NAPS BRANCH 105 CONSTITUTIONUpdated: February 9, 2020
This association will be known as Branch 105, National Association of Postal Supervisors.
The object of this Association shall be to promote, through appropriate and effective action, the welfare of its members and to cooperate with the United States Postal Service in a continuing effort to improve the service, to raise the standard of efficiency and to widen the field of opportunity for its members who make the post office their life work.
Sec.1. NAPS shall have three classes of members. These classes of members shall be (1) Active, (2) Associate, (3) Honorary.
Sec.2. Active Members(a) Included are all supervisory and managerial personnel who are not subject to collective bargaining agreements under Chapter 12 of Title 39, U.S. Code, and who are employed in processing and distribution centers and facilities, including, but not limited to: Area and District offices; post offices; bulk mail centers; and, other installation personnel.
(b) NAPS is not the representative of personnel employed as PCES installation heads and postal inspectors, or other like positions in the USPS Headquarters or field facilities.
(c) Any employee eligible for membership who is employed in an installation having a local branch or in an installation affiliated with a district or state branch shall be eligible for membership in the National Association of Postal Supervisors only by affiliation with said local, district or state branch.
(d) Any employee who is eligible for membership employed in an installation having no local branch and not affiliated with a district branch shall become a member of the state branch. Where there is no state branch, the applicant will become a national member-at-large.
Sec.3. Non-Active members(a) Members of this association who are in good standing and who are not in arrears as to dues and assessments at the time of retirement or promotion shall be entitled to Honorary Membership.
(b) Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and, except for attending meetings, shall not be eligible for any of the benefits described in Section 5d.
(c) Payments of dues and per capita tax on members in good standing who are called into active military service shall be waived during such service and said member shall be removed from the active roster until his/her return from active duty and his/her restoration as an active branch member. THE POSTAL SUPERVISOR will be mailed only upon receipt of the necessary expenses therefore.
(d) Members in good standing, at the time of retirement, may be Associate members upon retirement from the USPS. Associate members shall be entitled to all the same benefits granted to regular members. Associate members shall pay dues at the branch level as set by the National NAPS Constitution and By-laws.
Sec.4. The Secretary of each local, district and state branch shall upon the addition of new members immediately furnish the National Secretary with copies of Form 1187 for the members on dues withholding and/or the names and addresses of those members on direct pay; and shall also notify the National Secretary of those members suspended, dropped, expelled, deceased or resigned.
Sec.5. No eligible employee shall be denied membership in the National Association of Postal Supervisors, or in any of its local, district, or state branches because of race, creed, age, sex, handicap, religious or political affiliation, or national origin.
Sec.1. The Officers of this branch shall consist of the President, Vice President, Legislative Representative, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers and six (6) Executive Committee Members shall also be the Executive Committee of the Association. The immediate past president shall be a member of the Executive Committee. He/she need not be elected, if retired will serve in same capacity as Associate Member.
Sec.2 In addition to the Executive Committee named above there shall be six (6) Executive Committee Member elected from any Post Office holding a NAPS charter, which has or will merge with Branch 105.
Sec.1. The President shall preside at all the meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee; the President shall appoint the standing committees and all other committees unless otherwise ordered by the Association; the President shall fill all vacancies which may occur, subject to the approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee; shall decide all questions of order; shall enforce the laws and rules of the Association; and shall perform such other duties as pertain to the office. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership duties and shall receive up to a maximum of $1000.00 expenses for association business. If any office becomes vacant for three months or more, the President may request any interested member to submit their name for consideration for the position. The President will then appoint with the approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee.
Sec.2.(a) The Vice-President shall assist the President in conducting the business of the Association, and in the absence of the President, he/she shall discharge all the duties pertaining to the office. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues.
(b) The legislative representative shall be responsible for all legislative objectives. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues.
(c) The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee; attend to all correspondence, and issue notice of all meetings. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues and shall receive up to a maximum of $500.00 expenses for association business.
(d) The Treasurer shall collect all dues and assessments levied by the Association; he/she shall be the custodian of the funds of the Association; he/she shall keep an accurate record of such funds, he/she shall only disburse the same as directed by the Association upon proper authorization. In absence or incapacity of the Treasurer to perform these duties, the President may sign all disbursements. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues.
Sec.3. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Association between meetings.
Sec.4. In the event that an elected officer of this branch fails or is unable to perform his/her assigned duties, the Executive Committee shall meet and review all the facts. Upon two-thirds vote they may suspend such officer and name a replacement until the next regular branch meeting at which time the membership shall sustain or overturn the action of the Executive Committee.
Sec.1. Representation of this Association at the National Convention shall be decided by vote of the Association at the regular meeting in February of the Convention year. The Executive Board, at its January meeting will decide the maximum dollar amount to be allowed, based on convention location, not to exceed $10,000.00. The Branch shall allow a maximum of $10,000.00 but not exceeding 70% of the general fund as of May 1st of the Convention year. No delegate shall receive expense money exceeding that of the President. The number of delegates shall not exceed the number that the Branch is entitled to per the National Constitution and By-Laws. A delegate must show that their registration fee is paid by the May meeting in order to share in the money allowed. In order to be eligible to be a delegate, a member must have attended two (2) meetings per calendar year. Members may request to be excused, by submitting their reason, in writing, to the Executive Committee who will approve or disapprove the request. Members excused will be recorded as attending.
Sec 1A. Any newly-elected or appointed officer(s) shall not be required to attend two (2) meetings per calendar year if their appointment or election date or time prevents them from complying with the above requirement in Article VI, Section 1.
Sec 1B. There shall or may be an additional amount of money voted on by Branch 105 at the May 2018 general meeting by those members present and voting. Any additional amount(s) approved shall be allowed and used for the NAPS 2018 national convention only. Any additional amounts approved and not used shall be returned to the general fund of Branch 105 within two (2) weeks after the close of the 2018 NAPS National Convention. The amount shall be $15,000 to cover 12 delegates.
Sec.2. The President and Vice President, if he/she so desires, shall be an automatic delegate to the National Convention of this Association, and shall have the registration, transportation, accommodations and per diem as set by postal perdiem rates paid for in full by the Branch. This amount shall not be included in the amount listed in Article VI, Section 1 of the Constitution. The number of delegates shall not exceed the number that the branch is entitled to per the National Constitution and By-Laws.
Sec.3. Representation of this Association at the National Legislative Conference shall consist of a maximum of five (5) members of the Executive Committee. Mandatory attendees who are automatically included as two of the five will be the President and Legislative Representative. The Branch shall reimburse Executive Committee members for registration, hotel, airfare and per diem as set by the postal per diem rates, but not exceeding 70% of the general fund as of January lst of the conference year. In order to be eligible to be a delegate, the Executive Committee member must have attended two (2) branch meetings per calendar year. Any newly-appointed officer(s) shall not be required to attend two (2) meetings per calendar year if their appointment or election date or time prevents them from complying with the two-meeting per calendar year requirement. Members may request to be excused by submitting their reasons, in writing, to the Executive Committee who will approve or disapprove the request. Members excused will be recorded as attending.
The books of the financial officers of the Association shall be audited by a Committee of three (3) members, appointed by the President, at the November meeting. Results of the Audit shall be read at the first meeting following the completion of the audit. But no later than the February meeting.
The Constitution may be amended or altered by a two-thirds vote of the Active members present and voting at a regular meeting or a meeting called for the purpose, provided such alteration or amendment has been proposed at a previous meeting and entered into the minutes, together with the name of the member proposing it, and any proposed amendment having been read at such meeting may be amended while under discussion. Any change in the wording or titles caused by reorganization of the United States Postal Service shall be changed in the Branch Constitution and by-laws without the need of a vote. The Secretary will announce the changes at the next meeting of the Branch.
Sec. 1. (a) The primary purpose of this fund is to provide progeny of NAPS Branch 105 members in the pursuit of their education. One scholarship award each year shall be given as the ‘NAPS Branch 105 Dean Ambrosino Memorial Scholarship”.
(b) The President of the Association shall appoint a committee of three (3) members in good standing to serve as the Scholarship committee at our Annual meeting. The committee will be responsible to send out an application to all members in September.
(c) The Association shall allow a maximum of $500.00, but not to exceed 80% of the general fund as of January of that year for the scholarship fund.
(d) Any child, grandchild or ward of any Active or Associate member, enrolled in an accredited two (2) or four (4) year College/Graduate School/University or Technical School, shall be eligible for this scholarship.
(e) At the November meeting, the Committee shall have a random lottery drawing to determine the winner of the scholarship. The winner shall provide proof of enrollment to the Executive Board within three (3) weeks. Three names will be pulled. If the winner does not provide proof of enrollment, it will go to the next Alernate.
Sec.1. The primary purpose of this Committee is to prepare a Budget needed for the upcoming year. The President of the association at the November meeting shall appoint three (3) members in good standing to serve on the Budget Committee. One of the members of the Committee will be the Treasurer. The results of the Budget Committee will be presented to the membership no later than the February meeting.
This association will be known as Branch 105, National Association of Postal Supervisors.
The object of this Association shall be to promote, through appropriate and effective action, the welfare of its members and to cooperate with the United States Postal Service in a continuing effort to improve the service, to raise the standard of efficiency and to widen the field of opportunity for its members who make the post office their life work.
Sec.1. NAPS shall have three classes of members. These classes of members shall be (1) Active, (2) Associate, (3) Honorary.
Sec.2. Active Members(a) Included are all supervisory and managerial personnel who are not subject to collective bargaining agreements under Chapter 12 of Title 39, U.S. Code, and who are employed in processing and distribution centers and facilities, including, but not limited to: Area and District offices; post offices; bulk mail centers; and, other installation personnel.
(b) NAPS is not the representative of personnel employed as PCES installation heads and postal inspectors, or other like positions in the USPS Headquarters or field facilities.
(c) Any employee eligible for membership who is employed in an installation having a local branch or in an installation affiliated with a district or state branch shall be eligible for membership in the National Association of Postal Supervisors only by affiliation with said local, district or state branch.
(d) Any employee who is eligible for membership employed in an installation having no local branch and not affiliated with a district branch shall become a member of the state branch. Where there is no state branch, the applicant will become a national member-at-large.
Sec.3. Non-Active members(a) Members of this association who are in good standing and who are not in arrears as to dues and assessments at the time of retirement or promotion shall be entitled to Honorary Membership.
(b) Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and, except for attending meetings, shall not be eligible for any of the benefits described in Section 5d.
(c) Payments of dues and per capita tax on members in good standing who are called into active military service shall be waived during such service and said member shall be removed from the active roster until his/her return from active duty and his/her restoration as an active branch member. THE POSTAL SUPERVISOR will be mailed only upon receipt of the necessary expenses therefore.
(d) Members in good standing, at the time of retirement, may be Associate members upon retirement from the USPS. Associate members shall be entitled to all the same benefits granted to regular members. Associate members shall pay dues at the branch level as set by the National NAPS Constitution and By-laws.
Sec.4. The Secretary of each local, district and state branch shall upon the addition of new members immediately furnish the National Secretary with copies of Form 1187 for the members on dues withholding and/or the names and addresses of those members on direct pay; and shall also notify the National Secretary of those members suspended, dropped, expelled, deceased or resigned.
Sec.5. No eligible employee shall be denied membership in the National Association of Postal Supervisors, or in any of its local, district, or state branches because of race, creed, age, sex, handicap, religious or political affiliation, or national origin.
Sec.1. The Officers of this branch shall consist of the President, Vice President, Legislative Representative, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers and six (6) Executive Committee Members shall also be the Executive Committee of the Association. The immediate past president shall be a member of the Executive Committee. He/she need not be elected, if retired will serve in same capacity as Associate Member.
Sec.2 In addition to the Executive Committee named above there shall be six (6) Executive Committee Member elected from any Post Office holding a NAPS charter, which has or will merge with Branch 105.
Sec.1. The President shall preside at all the meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee; the President shall appoint the standing committees and all other committees unless otherwise ordered by the Association; the President shall fill all vacancies which may occur, subject to the approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee; shall decide all questions of order; shall enforce the laws and rules of the Association; and shall perform such other duties as pertain to the office. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership duties and shall receive up to a maximum of $1000.00 expenses for association business. If any office becomes vacant for three months or more, the President may request any interested member to submit their name for consideration for the position. The President will then appoint with the approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee.
Sec.2.(a) The Vice-President shall assist the President in conducting the business of the Association, and in the absence of the President, he/she shall discharge all the duties pertaining to the office. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues.
(b) The legislative representative shall be responsible for all legislative objectives. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues.
(c) The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee; attend to all correspondence, and issue notice of all meetings. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues and shall receive up to a maximum of $500.00 expenses for association business.
(d) The Treasurer shall collect all dues and assessments levied by the Association; he/she shall be the custodian of the funds of the Association; he/she shall keep an accurate record of such funds, he/she shall only disburse the same as directed by the Association upon proper authorization. In absence or incapacity of the Treasurer to perform these duties, the President may sign all disbursements. He/she shall be reimbursed for their membership dues.
Sec.3. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Association between meetings.
Sec.4. In the event that an elected officer of this branch fails or is unable to perform his/her assigned duties, the Executive Committee shall meet and review all the facts. Upon two-thirds vote they may suspend such officer and name a replacement until the next regular branch meeting at which time the membership shall sustain or overturn the action of the Executive Committee.
Sec.1. Representation of this Association at the National Convention shall be decided by vote of the Association at the regular meeting in February of the Convention year. The Executive Board, at its January meeting will decide the maximum dollar amount to be allowed, based on convention location, not to exceed $10,000.00. The Branch shall allow a maximum of $10,000.00 but not exceeding 70% of the general fund as of May 1st of the Convention year. No delegate shall receive expense money exceeding that of the President. The number of delegates shall not exceed the number that the Branch is entitled to per the National Constitution and By-Laws. A delegate must show that their registration fee is paid by the May meeting in order to share in the money allowed. In order to be eligible to be a delegate, a member must have attended two (2) meetings per calendar year. Members may request to be excused, by submitting their reason, in writing, to the Executive Committee who will approve or disapprove the request. Members excused will be recorded as attending.
Sec 1A. Any newly-elected or appointed officer(s) shall not be required to attend two (2) meetings per calendar year if their appointment or election date or time prevents them from complying with the above requirement in Article VI, Section 1.
Sec 1B. There shall or may be an additional amount of money voted on by Branch 105 at the May 2018 general meeting by those members present and voting. Any additional amount(s) approved shall be allowed and used for the NAPS 2018 national convention only. Any additional amounts approved and not used shall be returned to the general fund of Branch 105 within two (2) weeks after the close of the 2018 NAPS National Convention. The amount shall be $15,000 to cover 12 delegates.
Sec.2. The President and Vice President, if he/she so desires, shall be an automatic delegate to the National Convention of this Association, and shall have the registration, transportation, accommodations and per diem as set by postal perdiem rates paid for in full by the Branch. This amount shall not be included in the amount listed in Article VI, Section 1 of the Constitution. The number of delegates shall not exceed the number that the branch is entitled to per the National Constitution and By-Laws.
Sec.3. Representation of this Association at the National Legislative Conference shall consist of a maximum of five (5) members of the Executive Committee. Mandatory attendees who are automatically included as two of the five will be the President and Legislative Representative. The Branch shall reimburse Executive Committee members for registration, hotel, airfare and per diem as set by the postal per diem rates, but not exceeding 70% of the general fund as of January lst of the conference year. In order to be eligible to be a delegate, the Executive Committee member must have attended two (2) branch meetings per calendar year. Any newly-appointed officer(s) shall not be required to attend two (2) meetings per calendar year if their appointment or election date or time prevents them from complying with the two-meeting per calendar year requirement. Members may request to be excused by submitting their reasons, in writing, to the Executive Committee who will approve or disapprove the request. Members excused will be recorded as attending.
The books of the financial officers of the Association shall be audited by a Committee of three (3) members, appointed by the President, at the November meeting. Results of the Audit shall be read at the first meeting following the completion of the audit. But no later than the February meeting.
The Constitution may be amended or altered by a two-thirds vote of the Active members present and voting at a regular meeting or a meeting called for the purpose, provided such alteration or amendment has been proposed at a previous meeting and entered into the minutes, together with the name of the member proposing it, and any proposed amendment having been read at such meeting may be amended while under discussion. Any change in the wording or titles caused by reorganization of the United States Postal Service shall be changed in the Branch Constitution and by-laws without the need of a vote. The Secretary will announce the changes at the next meeting of the Branch.
Sec. 1. (a) The primary purpose of this fund is to provide progeny of NAPS Branch 105 members in the pursuit of their education. One scholarship award each year shall be given as the ‘NAPS Branch 105 Dean Ambrosino Memorial Scholarship”.
(b) The President of the Association shall appoint a committee of three (3) members in good standing to serve as the Scholarship committee at our Annual meeting. The committee will be responsible to send out an application to all members in September.
(c) The Association shall allow a maximum of $500.00, but not to exceed 80% of the general fund as of January of that year for the scholarship fund.
(d) Any child, grandchild or ward of any Active or Associate member, enrolled in an accredited two (2) or four (4) year College/Graduate School/University or Technical School, shall be eligible for this scholarship.
(e) At the November meeting, the Committee shall have a random lottery drawing to determine the winner of the scholarship. The winner shall provide proof of enrollment to the Executive Board within three (3) weeks. Three names will be pulled. If the winner does not provide proof of enrollment, it will go to the next Alernate.
Sec.1. The primary purpose of this Committee is to prepare a Budget needed for the upcoming year. The President of the association at the November meeting shall appoint three (3) members in good standing to serve on the Budget Committee. One of the members of the Committee will be the Treasurer. The results of the Budget Committee will be presented to the membership no later than the February meeting.